Falinwa Indonesia
Falinwa Indonesia Work From Home Schedule
Hello Team,
Di message ini saya umumkan jadwal work from home untuk setiap team.
Berikut ini adalah jadwalnya:
Functional Team
Monday : Budi Iskandar & Fitriah
Friday : Susanto Wijaya & Muftiara Syuhada
Technical Team
Monday : Rahmat, Yoksi, Rezki, Orvin
Friday : Kevin, Dimas, Alwi, Randy
Accounting & Finance Team
Monday : Otto
Friday : Stephanie
Perlu saya sampaikan sekali lagi bahwa kebijakan ini adalah rasa percaya Falinwa kepada setiap pegawai Falinwa agar work-life balance terjaga dengan baik dan kebijakan ini tidak akan disalah gunakan,
Saat bekerja di rumah, setiap pegawai wajib untuk available di skype di jam kerja dan responsive untuk menjawab setiap chat yang ada,
Manager mempunyai otoritas untuk meminta teamnya untuk bekerja di kantor walaupun jadwalnya sedang work from home,
kebijakan ini sifatnya adalah benefit bukan merupakan hak sehingga tidak ada pergantian jadwal/hari,
Jika saya mendapat laporan terdapat penyalah gunaan kebijakan, benefit ini akan dicabut dari pegawai tersebut tanpa diskusi lebih lanjut,
oleh Hans Yonathan - 03:20 - 8 Mei 2018 -
Falinwa Indonesia New Policy
Hello Team,
On this message I want to inform you a new policy for Falinwa Indonesia.
Start from this week, all Falinwa Indonesia employee will have posibility to choose to work in home or office in Friday.
Except there's some special case, that we need ask you to work on office on that day.
Just to take a note that when you work in home, you must be available and your skype must be keep online on work hours.
oleh Hans Yonathan - 11:19 - 25 Okt 2017 -
Re: Falinwa Indonesia
Hello Team,
On this message I want to inform that on next Wednesday(8 February 2017) we will have a annual general meeting;
On this meeting we will talk about the introduction and explanation of everyone role in the team, the situation of the first year of Falinwa Indonesia,
the rule and value of Falinwa, and the strategy that we will go trough this year.
We will have a company dinner too, so please free your schedule on that day.
Thankyou and Have a nice day!
oleh Hans Yonathan - 10:24 - 2 Feb 2017 -
the rule and value of Falinwa, and the strategy that we will go trough this year.
We will have a company dinner too, so please free your schedule on that day.
Thankyou and Have a nice day!
oleh Hans Yonathan - 10:22 - 2 Feb 2017 -
Hello Team,
On this message I want to inform that on next Wednesday we will have a annual general meeting;
On this meeting we will talk about the introduction and explanation of everyone role in the team, the situation of the first year of Falinwa Indonesia,
oleh Hans Yonathan - 10:21 - 2 Feb 2017